Friday, October 18, 2024

Yes, you can build a more valuable business


At bizval, we are committed to empowering founders with the insights they need to build more valuable businesses. Presented by your favourite ghost and the co-founders of bizval, our webinars are an invaluable resource.

I regularly meet founders of businesses and I just love digging into their stories. Entrepreneurship is one of the most challenging journeys that anyone can embark on, so I have great respect for those who have taken the leap. Along with my co-founders in bizval, this respect becomes a burning desire to share the knowledge needed for founders to maximise value.

In a recent two-part webinar series, we dealt with critical topics around building a more valuable business. These range from revenue resilience and quality through to working capital management. In both cases, there was a vibrant Q&A session with attendees that really put us through our paces!

To make it easy to find and enjoy these insights, both webinars are embedded below. Enjoy them and be sure to visit the bizval website for more insights and for an affordable online valuation tool for your business.

Part 1:

If you enjoyed these, you’ll love our upcoming webinar on 1 December featuring two special guests who have each built direct-to-consumer businesses in the fashion and jewellery industry. Register for free at this link>>>

Part 2:


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