Friday, March 14, 2025
[cascara_section_title title_text=”The Website” title_btm_space=”25″][cscra_buy_add add_image=”4254″ add_title=”Sponsored Article” add_banner_size=”500 – 800 words” add_content=”Place a sponsored article on the Ghost Mail website. It will show under the latest articles on the day of publication, and in the Sponsored section of the main menu navigation (where it will also be archived). The article can include hyperlinks to external websites. • The article image size is 1920 x 980px” btn_text=”Get in Touch” btn_text_link=”” open_link=”true” need_border=””][cscra_buy_add add_image=”2286″ add_title=”Home Page Primary Banner Ad” add_banner_size=”1140 * 306px” add_content=”The primary banner ad is a full width rectangular advertising space displayed just below the latest article posts on the landing page. It is a highly visible ad size, and a cost-effective tool for branding, product awareness, lead generation, direct sales.” btn_text=”Get in Touch” btn_text_link=”” open_link=”true” need_border=””][cscra_buy_add add_image=”4149″ add_title=”Secondary Banner Ad Space” add_banner_size=”732 * 273px” add_content=”The secondary banner ad is a 3/4 width rectangular advertising space that displays in two places on the website. It sits on the landing in the second tier of content, and it displays on the article pages (within the article content) The dual display provides visibility and a cost-effective tool for branding, product awareness, lead generation, direct sales.” btn_text=”Get in Touch” btn_text_link=”” open_link=”true” need_border=””][cscra_buy_add add_image=”1957″ add_title=”Tertiary Banner Ad” add_banner_size=”732* 273px” add_content=”The tertiary banner ad is a 3/4 width rectangular advertising space that displays on the landing in the third tier of content. The space provides visibility and a more cost-effective space for branding, product awareness, lead generation, direct sales.” btn_text=”Get in Touch” btn_text_link=”” open_link=”true” need_border=””][cscra_buy_add add_image=”4300″ add_title=”Right Sidebar Ad Space” add_banner_size=”300 * 250px” add_content=”This Inline “square space“ is an ad unit that appear inline with other content displayed in the sidebar of the landing page and sub pages. These are visible while reading articles and searching through content.” btn_text=”Get in Touch” btn_text_link=”” open_link=”true” need_border=””]
[cascara_section_title title_text=”The Daily Newsletter” title_btm_space=”25″][cscra_buy_add add_image=”4310″ add_title=”Email Banner Ad” add_banner_size=”600 * 200px” add_content=”The email banner ad space gives you exposure to over 150K readers of the Ghost Mail email. -sent to an audience subscribing to receive financial and market information. The email is sent daily Monday through Friday.” btn_text=”Get in Touch” btn_text_link=”” open_link=”true” need_border=””]
[cascara_section_title title_text=”Podcasts” title_btm_space=”25″][cscra_buy_add add_image=”5001″ add_title=”Ghost Stories Podcasts” add_banner_size=”Up to 45min length” add_content=”Talk about your business product, or latest results with experienced Podcast host -The Finance Ghost. An easy listening format, speaking directly to an engaged audience and telling your story in your way, builds credibility and a ”personal “ relationship with potential investors” btn_text=”Get in Touch” btn_text_link=”” open_link=”true” need_border=””]
[cascara_section_title title_align=”center” title_text=”Chat to us about advertising possibilties” title_btm_space=”25″]
Ghost Mail provides a variety of advertising options ranging from banners on our website and newsletter, to sponsored content features and Podcasts.
Please get in touch for more information and a customised proposal.
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