Who’s doing what this week in the South African M&A space?
Weekly summary of Merger & Acquisition activity by South African companies
Weekly corporate finance activity by SA exchange-listed companies
Mantengu Mining has completed a rights offer raising R15 million. Of the 15 million offer shares, shareholders subscribed for 22.31% with the remaining 77.69%...
Who’s doing what in the African M&A space?
Weekly summary of all Merger & Acquisition activity from across Africa (excluding South Africa)
Appropriate regulation is needed to help address SA’s power crisis
Action is urgently needed to create enabling policies and regulations to liberalise South Africa’s energy market and kickstart major investment.
Thorts: Corporate governance considerations for Boards of Directors overseeing entities outside of South Africa
Financial assistance resolutions remain the cause of many sleepless nights for attorneys and their clients.
Food for thought: SAFEs and regulatory aspects
Entering into a SAFE, while relatively simple on the face of it, requires long-term thinking to ensure that both founder and investor are protected.
Who’s doing what this week in the South African M&A space?
Weekly summary of Merger & Acquisition activity by South African companies
Weekly corporate finance activity by SA exchange-listed companies
Weekly summary of corporate finance activity by South African exchange listed companies