Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Ascendis | BHP | Vukile)
There's another twist in the Ascendis tale. BHP has released an operational update for the full year. Vukile is on a debt capital markets roadshow.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Brait | Richemont)
Richemont could only manage flat sales in the latest quarter, with Asia Pacific as the pressure point. Brait is ready to launch the rights offer.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Bell Equipment | Murray & Roberts | Northam Platinum | Pick n Pay | Sappi | Sasfin)
Bell Equipment is going private via a scheme of arrangement. Sasfin might be going private, but I'm less convinced. Pick n Pay released the rights offer circular. Murray & Roberts, Northam Platinum and Sappi also had news.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Acsion | Altron | AVI | BHP | Burstone | Capitec | Ninety One | Sirius | Spear)
AVI released strong numbers, as did Capitec. Altron is doing a smart B-BBEE deal. Acsion, Ninety One, Sirius and Spear REIT released important updates. BHP confirmed that Vale is sharing all Samarco claims.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (BHP | Bytes | Insimbi | Pick n Pay | Schroder Real Estate | Sirius Real Estate)
It's showtime for the Pick n Pay rights offer. Sirius had a successful capital raise. Schroder's property values ticked higher. The market hated the Bytes update. BHP is putting Western Australia Nickel under care and maintenance. Insimbi released their circular.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Alphamin | Sirius Real Estate | Tharisa)
Alphamin has produced plenty of tin in this quarter. Sirius Real Estate is tapping the market for capital once more. Tharisa released quarterly production numbers.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (MAS | Pick n Pay | Zeder)
Pick n Pay declares its R4 billion rights offer - and the market has been kind to the company. MAS has a plan to simplify the Prime Kapital joint venture. Zeder is selling another farm.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Accelerate Property Fund)
Accelerate Property Fund isn't having any luck with selling Cherry Lane Shopping Centre, but at least they've reached agreement around related party debts.