Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Absa | Argent | Aveng | Coronation | Hulamin | MTN | Thungela)
Absa has a change of management and headaches in Africa. Argent acquires a business in the UK. Aveng could break itself in half. Coronation is paying a dividend. Hulamin, MTN and Thungela also released numbers.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Copper 360 | KAP | Master Drilling)
KAP has given tighter earnings guidance, with a likely drop in HEPS year-on-year. Watch out for impairments at Master Drilling. Copper 360 had some changes to its financials.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Capital & Regional | Exxaro | Renergen | Resilient | STADIO | Standard Bank)
Standard Bank's results were impacted by China and African currencies. Exxaro, Resilient and STADIO also released numbers. Capital & Regional is still in deal talks. Renergen has an environment hurdle to overcome.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (ADvTECH | Aveng | DRDGOLD | Lighthouse | MTN Rwanda | Northam Platinum | Renergen | Transaction Capital)
ADvTECH has indicated strong earnings growth and now Aveng has given a range as well. DRDGOLD disappointed the market. Look out for numbers from Lighthouse, MTN Rwanda and Northam Platinum as well, with deal news at Transaction Capital and positive updates at Renergen.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Bell Equipment | Eastern Platinum | HomeChoice | Santam)
Bell Equipment's scheme circular is out in the wild. HomeChoice is doing extremely well in fintech. Santam had a great period. Eastern Platinum is struggling.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Attacq + Hyprop | Aveng | Brait | CA Sales Holdings | Castleview + Emira | Gold Fields | Italtile | Merafe...
Sasol has thrown the kitchen sink at the latest earnings. Renergen is finally producing helium. Italtile has some green shoots. Tough times at Super Group. CA Sales is doing well. Look out for Attacq, Hyprop, Aveng, Brait, Castleview, Emira, Gold Fields, Merafe and Montauk as well.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Astoria | Exxaro | Gold Fields | Jubilee Metals | Orion Minerals | Sappi)
Exxaro, Gold Fields, Jubilee Metals and Orion Minerals all released updates on a busy day. Sappi was a good opportunity for digging into earnings calculations. Astoria has released its latest NAV.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Discovery | Glencore | JSE | MTN | Quilter)
MTN is now severely loss-making. Glencore is keeping its coal and carbon steel assets. Quilter is going from strength to strength. The JSE's margins are under pressure. Discovery is restructuring Vitality.