Monday, March 17, 2025

Ghost Bites (ADvTECH | Harmony | Italtile | STADIO)

ADvTECH and STADIO both released great numbers, showing the value of the tertiary education sector. Harmony has more than doubled HEPS. Italtile has warned of competitive pressures.

Ghost Bites (African Rainbow Minerals | Alphamin | Gold Fields | Grindrod)

African Rainbow Minerals suffered a sharp drop in earnings. Alphamin released detailed financials for Q2. Gold Fields needs a far better second half. Grindrod struggled in the Logistics business.

Ghost Bites (Adcock Ingram | Cashbuild | Powerfleet | Sibanye)

Adcock Ingram's share repurchases have boosted HEPS. Cashbuild hopefully has the worst behind it now. Powerfleet has released an earnings update. Sibanye has funded the Keliber lithium project.

Ghost Bites (Blue Label Telecoms | Curro | DRDGOLD | Jubilee Metals | RCL Foods | Sabvest | Sibanye-Stillwater | Spur)

Look out for important earnings updates from Blue Label Telecoms, Curro, DRDGOLD, RCL Foods, Sabvest and Spur, along with corporate updates from Jubilee Metals and Sibanye-Stillwater.

Ghost Bites (Accelerate Property Fund | NEPI Rockcastle | Sasol)

Accelerate Property Fund is paying up for F&G to manage Fourways Mall. NEPI Rockcastle looks solid as ever. There's no final dividend at Sasol as they look to reduce debt.

Ghost Bites (Absa | Argent | Aveng | Coronation | Hulamin | MTN | Thungela)

Absa has a change of management and headaches in Africa. Argent acquires a business in the UK. Aveng could break itself in half. Coronation is paying a dividend. Hulamin, MTN and Thungela also released numbers.

Ghost Bites (Copper 360 | KAP | Master Drilling)

KAP has given tighter earnings guidance, with a likely drop in HEPS year-on-year. Watch out for impairments at Master Drilling. Copper 360 had some changes to its financials.

Ghost Bites (Capital & Regional | Exxaro | Renergen | Resilient | STADIO | Standard Bank)

Standard Bank's results were impacted by China and African currencies. Exxaro, Resilient and STADIO also released numbers. Capital & Regional is still in deal talks. Renergen has an environment hurdle to overcome.
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