Astoria Investments
Weekly corporate finance activity by SA exchange-listed companies
Weekly summary of corporate finance activity by South African exchange listed companies
Weekly corporate finance activity by SA exchange-listed companies
Weekly summary of corporate finance activity by South African exchange listed companies
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Adcock Ingram | Cashbuild | Powerfleet | Sibanye)
Adcock Ingram's share repurchases have boosted HEPS. Cashbuild hopefully has the worst behind it now. Powerfleet has released an earnings update. Sibanye has funded the Keliber lithium project.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Attacq | Brait | Exxaro | KAP | Nedbank | RECM and Calibre)
Nedbank, Exxaro and Attacq released pre-close updates. KAP is taking strain in Safripol. Brait needs more time to realise assets. Look out for RECM and Calibre news as well.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Ethos | Hyprop | Invicta | Jubilee | Kore Potash | Orion Minerals | PBT Group | PPC | Prosus – Naspers...
eCommerce is profitable at Naspers and Prosus. Ethos is unbundling Brait. Look out for numbers at Hyprop, Invicta, PBT Group, PPC and RCL Foods, as well as corporate news at Jubilee, Kore Potash and Orion Minerals.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Coronation | Grindrod Shipping | Harmony | Sirius Real Estate | Sasol | Standard Bank)
Standard Bank and Harmony released important financial updates. Sasol may be getting a windfall. The Coronation tax case ruling is imminent. There's deal news at Grindrod Shipping and Sirius.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Novus)
Nous was the news of the day, releasing results that show the extent of the evolution of the group.
Unlock the Stock: Astoria Investments
Astoria Investments returned to Unlock the Stock to update attendees on the portfolio and latest thinking.