The future of the mandatory audit firm rotation rule in South Africa
The recent ruling by the Supreme Court of Appeal has raised uncertainties surrounding the legality and future of the MAFR rule in South Africa.
Are minority shareholders always bound by the conduct of majority shareholders?
The court will grant appropriate relief in terms of s163 where it is clear that the conduct complained of is unfairly prejudicial or oppressive.
Can donations be used as a mechanism to avoid the solvency and liquidity test?
Against the backdrop of economic stagnation and a predicted recession, companies are searching for innovative strategies to create value and liquidity for their shareholders
Thorts: What’s happened to the (new) companies amendment bill?
There has been speculation around what has happened to the (new) Companies Amendment Bill and should it be promulgated in its current form.
Thorts: Consolidated, Amended and Restated Agreements
It may be sensible for the parties to terminate the original agreement that has been amended numerous times and conclude a new agreement
Thorts: A scheme of arrangement – shareholders’ approval rights
In determining whom the “persons entitled” to vote on a class scheme should be, all circumstances must be taken into consideration