Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Aspen | Metair | Rex Trueform | Sanlam | Sasfin)
Aspen is bringing Eli Lilly's Ozempic competitor to the SA market. Metair is getting even less from the Mutlu disposal than we thought. Rex Trueform is buying a software group at a huge multiple. Sanlam unlocked billions from Allianz. Sasfin is delisting this month.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Absa | Nampak | Trustco | Vukile Property Fund)
Absa has given updated earnings guidance for 2024 and beyond. Nampak has put in place a clever B-BBEE deal. Trustco has released the Legal Shield deal circular. Vukile's Spanish acquisition is still on hold.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Exxaro | MAS Real Estate | Resilient | Super Group | Sygnia | Tiger Brands)
Super Group has agreed to sell SG Fleet and the market has celebrated. Exxaro has suspended its CEO. MAS Real Estate, Resilient, Sygnia and Tiger Brands released important financial updates.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Alexander Forbes | Aveng | Nampak | Naspers – Prosus | Standard Bank | Transaction Capital)
Alexander Forbes, Nampak, Naspers-Prosus and Standard Bank all released important numbers. Aveng has sold its stake in a property portfolio. Transaction Capital is still trying to finalise the Road Cover deal.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (AECI | Growthpoint | HCI | Nampak | Pick n Pay | Sanlam – Santam – MultiChoice | Spar | Tharisa |...
AECI, Growthpoint, HCI, Nampak, Spar, Tharisa, Transaction Capital and Trematon all released numbers to the market. Pick n Pay has confirmed the completion of its recapitalisation plan. Sanlam is partnering with Santam on the MultiChoice insurance deal.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Anglo American – Amplats | Argent | Brikor | Brimstone | EOH | Hyprop | Nampak | Tsogo Sun)
Argent, Brikor, Brimstone, Hyprop, Nampak and Tsogo Sun released important financial updates. Anglo American sold a chunk of Amplats shares at a deep discount. EOH's name is changing.
Who’s doing what this week in the South African M&A space?
Weekly summary of Merger & Acquisition activity by South African companies
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (FirstRand | MTN Rwanda | Nampak | Novus | Pepkor)
FirstRand's motor finance business in the UK has adapted to legal findings. MTN Rwanda is struggling. Nampak announced an asset disposal. Novus' interim earnings got a boost from timing differences, plus they've announced acquisitions. Pepkor's growth looks reasonable.