Rex Trueform
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (AECI | Altvest | Merafe | MTN | Northam Platinum | Primary Health Properties | Sabvest | Safari Investments | Thungela)
Merafe, MTN, Northam Platinum, Primary Health Properties, Sabvest, Safari Investments and Thungela all released numbers. AECI announced a B-BBEE deal. Altvest has raised debt capital in ACOF.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Aspen | Metair | Rex Trueform | Sanlam | Sasfin)
Aspen is bringing Eli Lilly's Ozempic competitor to the SA market. Metair is getting even less from the Mutlu disposal than we thought. Rex Trueform is buying a software group at a huge multiple. Sanlam unlocked billions from Allianz. Sasfin is delisting this month.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (enX | Grindrod | MAS | NEPI Rockcastle | Sibanye-Stillwater | South32)
EBITDA margins are significantly lower at Grindrod. Sibanye-Stillwater has raised $500 million through a streaming deal in its local PGM mines. South32 is navigating the Mozambique unrest successfully.
Weekly corporate finance activity by SA exchange-listed companies
Weekly summary of corporate finance activity by South African exchange listed companies
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Acsion | African Media Entertainment | AYO Technology | Copper 360 | Fairvest | Finbond | Mahube | PBT Group | Quantum...
Acsion, African Media Entertainment, AYO Technology, Copper 360, Fairvest, Finbond, Mahube Infrastructure, PBT Group, Quantum Foods and Reinet all released numbers on a busy day.
Who’s doing what this week in the South African M&A space?
Weekly summary of Merger & Acquisition activity by South African companies
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Anglo American – Amplats | Argent | Brikor | Brimstone | EOH | Hyprop | Nampak | Tsogo Sun)
Argent, Brikor, Brimstone, Hyprop, Nampak and Tsogo Sun released important financial updates. Anglo American sold a chunk of Amplats shares at a deep discount. EOH's name is changing.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Gemfields | Momentum | NEPI Rockcastle | PSG Financial Services | Transaction Capital | Trellidor)
Gemfields, Momentum, PSG Financial Services and Trellidor released numbers. NEPI Rockcastle is buying a large retail centre in Poland. Transaction Capital will not control SA Taxi going forward.