Navigating the Future: Key Global Trends Shaping the ETF Market
The global ETF market continues to expand rapidly. South Africa is mirroring this global trend, led by Satrix with dominant share of the local market. Fikile Mbhokota and Kingsley Williams share further insights in this piece.
Ghost Stories
GHOST STORIES #54: 2025 kick-off and fresh views on rent vs. buy
With Duma Mxenge joining Ghost Stories to kick off the 2025 year from a Satrix perspective, the conversation flowed into rent vs. buy as you haven't heard it before. Get ready for fresh perspectives in this great show.
Low-Risk High-Reward: The Low-Volatility Anomaly
Nico Katzke explores the high-risk, high-reward "truism" in investing and whether it is actually possible to have one's cake and eat it by focusing on lower volatility stocks.
Ghost Stories
GHOST STORIES #52: Beating Money Dysmorphia
To close out the year, René Basson of Satrix made her debut on Ghost Stories for a fascinating conversation on the topic of money dysmorphia. This is a mismatch between financial behaviour and financial means - and yes, it can work in both directions i.e. whether you have plenty of money or not enough!
Ghost Stories
GHOST STORIES #50: Get to know the Satrix Global Balanced Fund of Funds ETF
The Satrix Global Balanced Fund of Funds ETF aims to provide local investors with optimally diversified exposure to a global basket of indices representing different asset classes. This is a low-cost, easy way to invest in a mix of equities, bonds, infrastructure, property, credit and cash assets.
How SA investors can hedge against hackers
Recent Southern African Fraud Prevention Service statistics paint a concerning picture, reporting a 32% increase in fraud incidents and a staggering 54% rise in...
Ghost Stories
GHOST STORIES #49: Shari’ah-compliant Investing (with Yusuf Wadee of Satrix)
Shari'ah-compliant investing in South Africa just got a major boost with the listing of the Satrix MSCI World Islamic ETF on the JSE in October. Yusuf Wadee joins me to unpack this fund and the fascinating Shari'ah principles in general.
Ghost Stories
GHOST STORIES: Does Factor Investing Work?
Factor investing takes ETFs to the next level. Instead of tracking a stock index (like the JSE Top 40), these ETFs have a set of rules based on investment fundamentals like valuation multiples or even levels of debt. The sky is the limit with the creativity that goes into these factors, but do they actually work?