Sebata Holdings
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Glencore | Kore Potash | Sirius Real Estate)
Glencore's 2024 production and commodity pricing numbers reveal the recent pressure on the business and the sector. Kore Potash is fully focusing on raising funding. Sirius Real Estate is a good example of different debt strategies.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Alphamin | Merafe | Ninety One)
EBITDA more than doubled at Alphamin (JSE: APH)
This is what happens when mining groups deliver on promises
Alphamin has been an interesting growth story. The...
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Alexander Forbes | Aveng | Nampak | Naspers – Prosus | Standard Bank | Transaction Capital)
Alexander Forbes, Nampak, Naspers-Prosus and Standard Bank all released important numbers. Aveng has sold its stake in a property portfolio. Transaction Capital is still trying to finalise the Road Cover deal.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Capital Appreciation | Europa Metals | Hyprop | Metair | OUTsurance | Sanlam | Texton | York Timber)
Metair is selling its Turkish business. Capital Appreciation, Hyprop, OUTsurance and York Timber released numbers. Europa Metals and Texton are doing deals.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Curro | Mantengu Mining)
Curro's earnings have finally recovered to 2020 levels, but 2019 levels are still a long way off. Mantengu Mining's Birca Copper deal is in serious doubt.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (AB InBev | ArcelorMittal | Capital & Regional | Mondi | Mpact | MTN Ghana)
AB InBev's EBITDA margins are up. ArcelorMittal is in emergency mode. Mondi's EBITDA is lower. Capital & Regional increased its dividend. Mpact found a buyer for Versapak. MTN Ghana is much better than MTN Nigeria.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (AECI | Altron | MTN | Shaftesbury | Woolworths)
Woolworths Food is the only bright spot in the group right now. AECI is hoping for a much better second half. Altron's recovery momentum continues. MTN Nigeria is really hurting. Shaftesbury's valuations ticked higher.
Ghost Bites
Ghost Bites (Bowler Metcalf | Famous Brands | Gemfields | Nedbank | Orion | Sea Harvest)
Bowler Metcalf released great numbers, but the same can't be said for Famous Brands, Sea Harvest and Gemfields. Orion had a successful capital raise from retail investors. Nedbank's dispute with Transnet and the SIU is heating up.