Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Astoria | Lewis | Vukile)
Astoria has announced the sale of ISA Carstens. Lewis had a fantastic finish to 2024. Vukile's local property performance gives us clues about where the two-pot money went.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (enX | Grindrod | MAS | NEPI Rockcastle | Sibanye-Stillwater | South32)
EBITDA margins are significantly lower at Grindrod. Sibanye-Stillwater has raised $500 million through a streaming deal in its local PGM mines. South32 is navigating the Mozambique unrest successfully.
Who’s doing what this week in the South African M&A space?
Weekly summary of Merger & Acquisition activity by South African companies
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Italtile | Nictus | Sibanye-Stillwater | Transaction Capital)
Italtile's share price momentum makes no sense to me. Sibanye-Stillwater has pulled off a sensible uranium deal. Transaction Capital's results are delayed. Nictus had a terrific year thanks to investment income.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Boxer | Harmony | Life Healthcare | Omnia | Raubex | Stor-Age | Sibanye | Vodacom | Woolworths)
Boxer's pre-listing statement is finally available. Harmony, Life Healthcare, Omnia, Raubex, Stor-Age, Vodacom and Woolworths all released financial updates on a busy day. Sibanye locked in a gold wage deal.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (Murray & Roberts | Pan African Resources | Sibanye-Stillwater | Sirius Real Estate | Zeder)
Murray & Roberts is in serious trouble again. Pan African Resources announced a deal in Australia. There's some improvement at Sibanye, thanks to gold. Sirius is buying more properties. Zeder announced a special divi.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (BHP | Dis-Chem | Finbond | FirstRand | Mondi | Sibanye-Stillwater | Sun International | The Foschini Group)
Dis-Chem released excellent results. The Comp Comm wants to prohibit Sun International's Peermont deal. FirstRand has legal issues in the UK, while TFG has bought another business there. Look out for BHP, Finbond, Mondi and Sibanye as well.
Ghost Bites
GHOST BITES (British American Tobacco | CA Sales | Finbond | NEPI Rockcastle | Reinet | Renergen | Santova | Sibanye | Standard Bank)
CA Sales, NEPI and possibly Finbond have been busy with corporate actions. British American Tobacco might be done with Canadian litigation. Reinet, Renergen, Santova and Standard Bank released numbers. Sibanye's bad luck continues.