Monday, March 31, 2025


WEBINAR: Last minute Section 12B solar investment

Jaltech is launching its final Section 12B investment for the 2025 financial year. This investment is designed for investors who have realised late in the year that they need to reduce their tax liability before the end of February 2025.

Fireside chat with TreasuryONE and The Finance Ghost

Wichard Cilliers and Andre Botha of TreasuryONE made themselves available for this excellent fireside chat, answering questions about everything from forex to interest rates. Watch the recording here.

Emigration Nation: The Webinar (with TreasuryONE)

Based on my emigration article that went viral more than once, I presented a webinar on how to objectively assess the emigration decision. TreasuryONE joined me to discuss the SARS and SARB mechanics.

Going direct: building a direct-to-consumer retail business

In the busiest season for retailers, we were grateful to have two successful entrepreneurs who gave us their time to share insights into building a direct-to-consumer business.

Yes, you can build a more valuable business

In a recent two-part webinar series, the founders of bizval (including your favourite ghost) shared deep insights into how to build a more valuable business. Founders, this is for you.

Building a more valuable business (part 1) – bizval webinar recording

Get ready for another excellent learning experience with the bizval team, including your favourite ghost. In this webinar, we discussed how to build a more valuable business.

Demystifying the art and science of valuations – bizval webinar recording

Watch The Finance Ghost and Graham Stephen demystify the art and science of valuations. The bizval online valuation tool has been built to help founders value their businesses at an affordable cost.

Webinar: demystifying the art and science of valuations

As one of the founders of bizval, I'm thrilled to invite you to a free webinar this Thursday to understand more about the art and science of valuations.
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