Sunday, March 9, 2025

Who’s doing what this week in the South African M&A space?


Exchange Listed Companies 

SGT Solutions owned by African Equity Empowerment Investments (60%) and Ayo Technology Solutions (40%) has announced the acquisition of Italian Summer, a supplier of power management and backup solutions and products for commercial and industrial applications throughout Southern Africa. The R73,63 million deal will ultimately create a larger market share in the telecommunication sector through an increase value-add and access to new customers. 

Buka Investments (previously Imbalie Beauty) has made its first acquisition in its journey to become a premium fashion company. The cost of the acquisition of the Socrati Group for R140 million will be discharged by the issue of 70 million shares at R2 per Buka share.

A caveat to a R590 million loan agreement announced in May between Ascendis Health and Austell Pharmaceuticals is that if shareholders did not approve the R375 million sale of Ascendis Pharma to Pharma-Q and Imperial Pharma announced in February, it would trigger a default under the loan agreement if Ascendis did not then agree to sell the business to Austell at R410 million. Shareholders will be asked to vote on two transactions at the next shareholders meeting.

Industrial REIT has disposed of Rose Kiln Court in Reading, UK for a total consideration of £5,88 million. The sale price represents a 2.2% discount to its March 31, 2022, valuation of £6,02 million.

Cautionary notices to shareholders of Telkom and MTN disclosing the companies are in talks (once again), sent the share price of Telkom up 26% and MTN up 5% on the day. Details are yet to be announced but there has been a great deal of speculation on what structure a deal would take. The strategic asset in the Telkom portfolio is fibre – in November last year Vodacom entered a R13,2 billion deal with Remgro’s CIVH to combine their fibre assets.

Unlisted Companies

Private equity firm Legacy Africa Capital Partners has taken a 30% equity investment in Continuous Power Africa, a provider of power solution to the telecommunications industry in Africa. Funds will be used scale the business and accelerate growth.

Actis, a global investment firm focused on energy and infrastructure, together with Mainstream Renewable Power, is to dispose of Lekela Power (60%:40%:), Africa’s largest pure-play renewable energy independent power producer seven years after they made the initially investment. Infinity Group and Africa Finance Corporation will acquire the IPP in a deal said to be valued at c.US$1,5 billion. Lekela Power operates five wind assets in South Africa and one each in Egypt and Senegal.

Nexia SAB&T has acquired audit firm Kreston Johannesburg as its 10th office in South Africa and its second in Gauteng. 

DealMakers is SA’s M&A publication


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